Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland

{Sad story about Mr. Snowman- we found him run over by a CAR the next morning (we could see the tire tracks through the yard) ....seriously, why would someone do that?}


Learning Spanish at 41 said...

The lamp post and the greenery with the snow--fantastic shots!

Angie said...

I love the snow on the berry bush. Beautiful!

Memories for Life said...

Love the one with the red berries and the blue sky shining through :)

Sorry to hear about your snowman though...darn kids!

Chrisy said...

Oh it looks so lovely...and different...here in Australia it's 35 degrees celsius today!

please sir said...

So fun - love the lamp post too! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Aww winter wonderland! I want to make a snow man really badly...

Hahaha I love the batteries to make the mouth